Thursday, 13 July 2017

8 Years on Twitter!

It was this day, way back in 2009 when I had joined Twitter, without having an idea on what I've got myself into. I had no idea back then, that this platform would have such an impact on me.

It started off as mean to communicate and interact with people having similar interests and it still continues to be that, along with a lot of other things.

These 8 years have been instrumental in shaping me; in ways I've could have never imagined. It has shaped my thought process in a certain way that I'm fond of. It has made me question a lot of things and the way we approach things. It has been my go to place whenever I've been wanting to vent out something. It listened to me, always.

Twitter has also been pivotal in two of my jobs, something that I never thought would be possible. The frequency, engagement and the kind of content I shared there help me get those.

It has also helped me realize a lot of things in general. I've become more patient with people. I've learnt that people will have different opinions and you got to respect that. I've realized there's good and bad in everyone and one needs to ignore the bad and appreciate the good. I've realized you should express yourself without the fear of being ridiculed. I've realized people sitting miles away from you can make you feel better.

I've met some people with whom I've shared some beautiful memories. I haven't met quite a lot of them yet I feel there's a connection.

All in all, Twitter has made me who I am today and it would be wrong on my part to not give it its due credit.

Thank you, Twitter.

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